发布者:waishichu 发布时间:2023-05-09


Notice on the Arrangement of Clinical Skills Training, Assessment and Graduation Examination for International Students



According to the teaching arrangement, the international students in Grade 2014 (the first batch) have completed their graduation internship, in order to do a good job in the graduation clinical skills training, assessment and graduation examination, the relevant matters are as follows:

一、 参加考试人员 Examinees


International student in Grade 2014 (those who have completed internship), 30 students

二、 考试时间、地点 Exam Time and Place

1. 临床技能培训、考核具体时间及地点:

Time and place for clinical skills training and assessment

511日(周四),800-1700  浮烟山校区医学实验实训中心

May 11 (Thursday), 8:00-17:00, Medical Experiment and Training Center (Fuyan Mountain Campus)

2. 毕业考试具体时间、地点

Time and Place for graduation exam

511日(周四),1830-2030   浮烟山校区教学楼D205

May 11 (Thursday), 18:00-20:30, D205, Teaching Building, Fuyan Mountain Campus

三、 考试要求 Exam Requirements

1. 学生须携带笔、隔离衣、口罩等,考试期间不得夹带有关的复习资料以及对考试具有提示性意义的任何物品,否则按考试作弊处理。

Students must bring pens, isolated clothing, masks, etc. During the examination, relevant review materials and informative materials are forbidden to take, or it will be defined to be cheating.

2. 每位学生务必按考试时间提前到达考点报到。非极特殊原因,一般不安排补考和缓考。

Students should take the tests on time. If there is no special reason, make-up and corrosion exam will not be arranged.

3. 临床技能培训、考核结束后,请及时脱掉隔离衣帽,请勿在其他公共场所穿戴。

After the clinical skills training and assessment, please take off the isolation clothing in time. Do not wear it in other public places.



