



Code of Conduct for International Students of WFMU

第一章 课堂行为规范

Chapter I Behavioral norms in classrooms

  1. 留学生应做到不旷课、不迟到、不早退。上课期间不得进入教室,可在课间进入教室,向老师说明迟到原因,并向老师表示歉意。

Article 1. International students should not miss, be late and leave early. It is forbidden to enter during class time. It is okay to enter in the break time, but it is needed to explain to teachers about the reason being late and apologize to the teacher.

  1. 留学生应尊重任课老师,举手示意回答问题。衣着装扮要合身得体、言行举止要文明礼貌。

Article 2. International students should show respect to teachers and raise hands to answer questions. Dress properly and behave politely.

  1. 留学生上课应认真听讲,按时完成作业、实验报告。上课时应关闭手机、禁止说闲话、吃东西,不准看与此课无关的书籍、报纸或做其他课程的作业;未经老师同意不得擅自走动和出入。对严重影响课堂教学秩序者,教师有权要求其离开教室,按旷课处理,并给予警告处分。

Article 3. International students should listen to classes carefully and finish homework and experimental report on time. During class time, it is forbidden to use mobile phones, make idle talk, eat and read books, newspaper which have nothing to do with the class or do homework of other subjects. Without the permission from teachers, it is forbidden to walk around, come in and go out. To students who seriously disturb the order of the class, teachers have the right to request the students to leave, deal with as missing and give a warning note.

  1. 教室内有人上课时,不得在门外大声讲话和喧哗,不得敲门、推门,更不得随意出入、找人、取物,如有违反给予警告处分。

Article 4. When there are students taking class in the classroom, it is forbidden to talk loudly outside, push the door and enter to look for someone or something. Anyone who violates will get a warning note.

  1. 教学楼和教室内,禁止吸烟,禁止吵闹、喧哗、打扰他人上课或休息。自习时间亦同上要求,保持肃静,如有违反给予警告处分。

Article 5. It is forbidden to smoke, make noise, and disturb classes and rest of others in the teaching buildings and classrooms. There is the same request in the time for individual study. Keep quiet. Anyone who violate will get a warning note.

  1. 教室只作为上课及自习之用,不得作为他用。使用时要保持清洁,不得乱扔纸屑、瓜果皮核,严禁随地吐痰。

Article 6. Classrooms are only for having class and individual study. Keep clean during the time in the rooms. It is forbidden to throw about.

  1. 课堂上同学之间互相尊重不同国家、不同民族间的宗教信仰与文化传统,不得在课堂发生争吵、寻衅滋事,影响老师的正常授课。

Article 7. In the class, all the students should respect each other from different countries, nations, religious belief and cultural traditions. It is forbidden to pick a quarrel, make trouble and affect the normal teaching of the teacher.


第二章 请假须知

Chapter II Note for leave note.

第八条 凡是利用假期(包括寒暑假、小长假)离开学校外出者,需填写假期去向登记表,经老师同意、备案后方可离校。一年累计2次不填写者,将无资格参加奖学金的评定并给予相应处分。

Article 8. Anyone who need to leave school during vacations need to fill in whereabouts forms, get the permission from tutors and leave. Failing to fill twice one year means losing the qualification for the scholarship.

  1. 在校期间,未经批准不得擅自离校。因病、因事不得不离校须事先请假,获准后方可离校。

Article 9. During the academic year, it is forbidden to leave without permission. No matter what the cause is, everyone must apply for leave note first and leave then.

  1. 因事请假一般不得超过2周,需向辅导员老师申请;请假在2周以上的,填写特殊事项申请表,由留学生管理办公室报领导批准。

Article 10. Leave for personal affairs can not be over 2 weeks and students should apply for leave from tutors. Students who need leave note over 2 weeks should fill in the special issue form and get the permission from the department through the students affairs office.

  1. 来华留学生请假获准后,须按时返校、销假。如需续假,应提出再次书面申请,办理续假手续。

Article 11. After the permission for the leave note, students should return and report back on time. Anyone who need to extend leave note should apply again and deal with the extension procedures.

  1. 来华留学生一学期请假累计不得超过一个月。

Article 12. Leave note for international students in one semester cannot be over 1 month totally.

  1. 来华留学生未请假或请假未获准而擅自离校,或假期期满不按时返校,或续假未获准而逾期不归,均按旷课论处。对旷课的留学生,依据《潍坊医学院留学生管理规定》的有关规定处理。

Article 13. Anyone who leave school without finishing the above procedures will be punished according to the Regulations for International Students of WFMU.

  1. 因各种原因不能参加考试的留学生请务必在考试前提出书面申请,无论何种原因未能参加正常考试者,不能参加本年度奖学金评定。

Article 14. Anyone who cannot attend examinations for any kind of reason should apply before the examinations. Anyone who cannot attend examinations for any reason cannot attend scholarship assessment.


第三章 社会礼仪规范

Chapter 3 Norms of social etiquette.

  1. 礼貌待人,尊敬师长,见到老师后要主动问好。

Article 15. Being polite, respecting teachers and greeting to teachers.

  1. 进入他人房间要先敲门,得到允许后方可进入。

Article 16. Before entering others’ room, it is needed to knock first, then enter after getting the permission.

  1. 进入公共场所如:会议室、教室、餐厅、办公楼等地时严禁吸烟、大声喧哗,要保持安静。

Article 17. Entering public place such as meeting rooms, classrooms, dining rooms and administration building, anyone cannot make a racket. Please keep quiet.

  1. 同学之间,团结友爱。对人说话礼貌,尊重每一个人。不得对他人进行侮辱、挑衅、谩骂,不做侮辱他人人格、国格的事。

Article 18. Friendship is valuable among students. Please be polite to each other and respect each other. It is forbidden to insult, challenge and abuse others.

  1. 爱护公共设施,损坏公共设施要按价赔偿。

Article 19. Please take care of the public facilities. Compensate for the damage.

第二十条 请自觉遵守社会规范,乘车、购物、用餐、银行取钱、交纳各种费用时请主动排队。

Article 20. Please comply with norms of social etiquette and stand in a line for take buses, shopping, dining, money withdrawing and fee paying.

第二十一条 进入会场听报告、演讲、参加演出时做文明观众,不大声叫喊、打口哨、说脏话。

Article 21. Please be civilized while listening to lecture, speech, and all kinds of shows. No shouting, whistling and dirty words.

第二十二条 如果遇到危及人身、财产及生命安全的紧急情况,可拨打紧急求助电话110。非紧急情况可以拨打学校老师的电话求助。

Article 22. Please call 110 with emergency which endangers the security of life and property. Please call teachers for non-emergency in proper time.


第四章 在校日常规范

Chapter IV Daily norms on campus

第二十三条 留学生如要庆祝本国重大节假日如举行集会、游行等活动,需提前一周提出书面申请,征得同意后,方可在学校老师的组织下进行,违反者按学校及相关法律处理。

Article 23. If international students need to celebrate important holidays and festivals, such as holding gathering and pageant, they need to apply one week earlier. After getting permission, it can be held under the organization of the teachers. Anyone who violates will be punished according to relevant regulations and laws.

第二十四条 保持宿舍楼道及宿舍内的清洁与卫生。出门前关闭所有电器电源,做到人走灯关,避免发生火情。并检查水龙头等是否关闭,做到节约用水。

Article 24. Please keep clean in the corridor and inside rooms. Turn off all the electric devices before leaving rooms to avoid fire disaster. Check if water faucets is turned off to save water.

第二十五条 爱护校园的公共设施,爱护宿舍、教室内的公共设施,损坏公共设施主动按实际价格赔偿,有意损坏公共设施5倍价钱赔偿。

Article 25. Please take care of the public facilities on campus, in dorms and classrooms. Compensate for the damage according to real price. Compensate 5 times as real price for the intentional damage.

第二十六条 禁止在公共场所尤其是宿舍内大声播放音乐,以免影响他人的休息、学习及正常生活。

Article 26. It is forbidden to play loud music in public space. This is to assure others’ rest and normal life.

第二十七条 禁止随意丢放垃圾,保持室内、外清洁的环境,做文明人,做文明事。

Article 27. It is forbidden to throw rubbish about. Please be civilized for everything.

第二十八条 积极参加学校组织的各种文体活动、公益活动,为国家争光、为自己赢得荣誉。

Article 28. Please be active to participate in all kinds of activities for recreation and sports and public welfare. Glory for own countries and win honors for selves.

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