









1. 携带或使用手机、电子词典等电子设备

2. 在墙壁、书桌等处抄写与考试课程有关的内容

3. 考试过程中互传纸条,交换试卷者(双方同样处理)

4. 考试中或交卷时交头接耳(双方同样处理)

5. 偷看他人试卷或有意让人看试卷

6. 在考卷上填写与本人身份不符的姓名、考号等信息

7. 故意销毁或藏匿考试答卷

8. 借故离开考场偷看与考试有关内容

9. 请别人代替考试或代替别人考试



Regulations of Examinations for International Students of WFMU

I. Students should enter the classroom 10minutes before the exam with their registered student card and Admission Ticket. Once entered, students should sit by roll number as the teacher guide. Students should put their student card on the upper right side of the desk for check-up.

II. Be quite after entering the classroom and put all stuff that is not related to exam to the designated place. Students should not take cell-phone, electronic dictionary, books, or notebooks into the classroom. It will be regarded as cheating once these are found.

III. Students who come 15 minutes after the exam starts are not allowed to enter the classroom.

IV. Students are not allowed to leave the classroom during the exam. Leaving the classroom will be considered as submitting the paper and students are not allowed to come back.  

V. Students should obey and follow the instruction of the invigilators. If not, they get punishment according to their behavior.

VI. Any the following behavior will be considered cheating. Once found, students have to hand in the paper and leave the classroom immediately. The result of that subject will be marked as ZERO.

1. Carry or use devices such as cell-phone or electronic dictionary

2. Write contents related to the exam subject on the wall or desk

3. Pass on slips or exchange test papers during the exam (both students related will be treated alike)

4. Talk in the exam or when handing in papers (both students related will be treated alike)

5. Peek at others text papers or let others copy their paper

6. Write false information such as name or student number on the test paper

7. Destroy or hide test paper deliberately

8. Make excuse to go out of the classroom to cheat

9. Ask others to take the exam or take the exam for others

VII. Any type of cheating behavior is prohibited. If students violate the above regulations by cheating or help others cheat, they have to leave the classroom immediately after the teachers found them. They have to sign on the exam record paper and the subject will be marked ZERO. Other punishment will be made according to Disciplinary Punishment Statute of WFMU for International Students.


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